Offline Data collection system

I have in place such a system that does that via PDF enterable form. 

A Work Order is generated out of 4D creating multiple enterable PDF document 
saved into Drop Box shared directory.  I am using a plugin from Pluggers 
software called QPDF. This tool allows me to create complex enterable PDF 
documents out of 4D.  Each line of a document or each document has a unique iD 
from 4D.  We have different kinds of information that need to be collected and 
different PDF form are used depending on the type of information. PDF can be as 
complex as a input layout or as simple as a listbox.

The iPad sync with DropBox.

The technician go out  into the field-work (no internet connection) and do the 
data collection. The data is stored directly into nicely formatted enterable 
PDF form that was created by 4D. Form can contain text field, drop-down list, 
picture field, text field, radio buttons, etc.  The technician come back to the 
office and syncs the iPad with DropBox.

4D read back the PDF document with the same plugins and store the information.

Contact me if you want to see a demo via an online session.

Luc Devar

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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