
I think I get where you are coming from.  With a defined structure, table and 
field names it is fairly easy to see what the model is.  What you see is pretty 
much what you get.

Introduce objects and you suddenly have hidden data structures.  Indeed those 
data structures can vary by record which makes them even more mysterious.  Not 
dissimilar to the content of BLObs or for that matter large text fields. When I 
first started using object fields I largely confined them to holding program 
managed properties which I documented in the code.  This still accounts for 
more than 80% of our object field use.

Of course with the power and flexibility of object fields and ORDA it would be 
a crying shame to relegate objects to being an entirely developer toy.  They 
can deliver such power and joy to the users.  Managing properties naming and 
existence then becomes the challenge...  Some ideas I have had is:

External manual documentation - Takes a lot of commitment and keeping on top of 
especially with a development team.  A new field slipped in is immediately 
visible and can be questioned and QC'd.  A new property is invisible except in 
data and so bad naming choices may not be caught till testing generates that 

The only way to know all the properties and values in an object is to parse all 
records with the object field.  This could be a costly process, I have not 
tried it on millions of records.  The alternative is what?  Have a common set 
of properties even if empty/null for every record?  I feel that kind of defeats 
the object __

I am still feeling my way with this and recognise it as a potential to be a 
gotcha.  I have found implementing a REST interface to get at data very useful 
for seeing what is in my records.  Objects of course just naturally show their 
entire structure within the returned JSON.  In some systems I have reference 
records that I can just filter for to give me the entire user data structure 
with data examples.

Regards,  Dougie

telekinetix Limited- J. Douglas Cryer
Phone : 01234 761759  Mobile : 07973 675 218
2nd Floor Broadway House, 4-6 The Broadway, Bedford MK40 2TE
Email :  Web : 

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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