On Oct 25, 2018, at 6:05 PM, JOHN BAUGHMAN via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 

> One of my client’s decided to upgrade a computer to Mojave and reported that 
> 4D was creating.
> I think I have narrowed down the problem at least for my application. It 
> looks like any form that has static pictures or maybe even picture buttons 
> causes 4D to crash both in the design environment as soon as you select it in 
> the Explorer as well as when the form is opened during run time.
> If I go through all my forms in the design environment, the only ones that 
> crash 4D have at least one picture in it.
> This is 4D 16R6 32bit interpreted. I have not taken the time yet to convert 
> all my pictures in this database for compatibility
> With 64bit 4D. Was waiting until I was ready to convert to 64bit. I suspect 
> this may the the root of the problem.
> I also suspect this is the reason another thread reported crashes while 
> trying to compile.
> I would be interested to here from those that are running on Mojave 
> successfully if they have any forms with pictures in their forms that have 
> not been made 64bit compatible.

In v16 64-bit, I’ve seen a few forms with broken button images, that may be 
related to picture conversion, although I thought I had fixed them all *. I 
haven’t used the structure on Mojave with v16 32-bit. So if you use the 64-bit 
v17, you may be able to access those form without crashing, although the 
pictures won’t load.

* I also deleted a couple sets of buttons that were duplicated, so it might be 
related to that too.

I have noticed that parts of the method and form editor windows flash when 
dragged in Mojave.

Jim Crate

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