my outline for this would be as follows. I am not up to v16 yet, so 
this will be a 'classic' solution, use of call worker might simplify 

write a deamon (a process which spends most of it's life asleep), is 
started at server startup.
 Deamon :
   repeat loop
    examine IP array, or Object for data to process
      if there is stuff to do
        do it
        remove processed item from Array/object
    if on a timed execution : Delay process(Delay time;Current process)
    if only as an on needed basis : Pause process(current process)
   until (Quit 4D)

Add item to Array/object:
(on client, adding)
  Execute on server : method with needed values
    Set semaphore to protect array/object
      add as needed
    clear semaphore
    wake deamon 
      if (already running : wake (call process deamon process #))
      else start deamon

Remove Item from array/object (only runs on server, called from deamon):
  Set semaphore to protect array/object
     remove as needed
  clear semaphore


On Wed, 7 Nov 2018 00:40:41 +0000, Ben Sokal via 4D_Tech wrote:
> Hello,
> Hoping someone can point me in the right direction as I've never done 
> something like this before.
> We have a multi-user environment running v16r5. Through various 
> means, a user can call a method that updates company-specific 
> financial data. The problem is that it can take 30+ seconds and the 
> user is left waiting until this finishes. What we want to do is this:
> - Return control to the user while the task runs in the background. 
> We want the task to run on the server instead of on the client 
> machine like it's currently doing.
> - If this user or a different user runs the task again for the same 
> company, we need to queue it up somehow and do this after the 
> previous processing finishes. If this user or a different user runs 
> the task for a different company, we could either do the server 
> processing at the same time since there's no data conflict, or queue 
> it up if there is a risk of trying to do too many things at once.
> I've read the language manual and understand the syntax of 
> semaphores, which is what I'm thinking I need to use (but am not 
> completely sure). Beyond the syntax of commands, I don't know how to 
> implement this. For example if I'm doing an "execute on server", is 
> the semaphore going to be set on the client side before we call the 
> server to run its method, or is it the server method that does the 
> semaphore? Is this going to be a local semaphore or global? There are 
> transactions involved in the actual processing...does this impact at 
> all how I need to go about doing this?
> Thanks for any tips!
> Ben
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