In our app (CatBase) each customer can manage their own tables and fields
and one of the things they can do is specify whether a particular field is
indexed. Since these indexes are different for each customer, when they get
a program update from us, the indexes have to be recreated and built (there
is a FieldMap table which stores each field's attributes). This is n't a
problem for our customers, but for us developers, it means that if we are
working on several projects, each time we switch from one customer's
database to another, the indexes are all rebuilt. One project I'm currently
working on has about 4 million records and it takes ages to rebuild all the
indexes! The only way around it as far as I can see is to keep two copies
of the structure - one to use just with that database and one for all the
others. But that would introduce all kinds of possibilities for error ...

Anybody got a better idea for managing this?


CatBase - Top Dog in Data Publishing
tel: +44 (0) 207 118 7889
skype: pat.bensky
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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