4D Tech mailing list wrote
> Hi All,
> We have a need to send existing PDF documents to print (paper) without a
> user’s input.  Programmatically we would select the appropriate PDF, set
> the appropriate printer, and print.  Is anyone doing this via 4D with
> success?   Would you be willing to share your technique?
> Thanks,
> Kirk


I use this since years:


If (Test path name($vt_pfad)=Is a document)
        If (Folder separator#":")
                $errText:=sys_ShellExecute ("print";$vt_pfad;"";"";1)
                DELAY PROCESS(Current process;60*5)
                If ($errText#"")
                        ALERT("Error: "+$errText)
                End if 
                $POSIXPath:=Replace string($vt_pfad;":";"/")
                LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS("lp \"/Volumes/"+$POSIXPath+"\"")
        End if 
        ALERT("Document not found: "+$vt_pfad+" !")
End if 


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