> On the left side pane the Variables is the top and anything above that I do 
> not have access to. I cannot get to the debugger buttons.

There was a debugger reset method that was posted a few years ago. I don't have 
the one for v15 but if you search you might be able to find it. I think it was 
written by Miyako.

This is the v17 version:


$tPath:=Get 4D folder(Active 4D Folder)+\
"4D Window Bounds v"+Substring(Application version;1;2)+Folder separator+\
"runtime"+Folder separator+\
"[projectForm]"+Folder separator+\

If (Test path name($tPath)=Is a document)
        ON ERR CALL("Blank")
        DELETE DOCUMENT($tPath)
        ON ERR CALL("")
End if 


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