On Mar 10, 2019, at 9:34 AM, Douglas von Roeder wrote:

> Agree with Kirk — thanks for posting this!

The place that does my ftp hosting is killing it, so I needed to find a new ftp 
host. Then I thought… why not use Dropbox? I’ve got a 1TB of space there that 
is not being used. 

I’m just getting started using it and so far it’s working OK. I did run into an 
error today when trying to upload a file and replace one that already exists. 
Not sure if it’s a problem yet or not, but I may need to implement 
Dropbox_DeleteFile method if it continues.

Also wanted to point out that there is a special Dropbox link that you can use 
for “direct download” of content as opposed to the standard links that first 
take you to the Dropbox website. 

Here is a test of the “standard” Dropbox link to my company logo:


Here is a link that should direct download the same logo without taking you to 
the Dropbox website first:



Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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