On May 6, 2019, at 2:00 PM, Doug Cottril wrote:

> Julio & all
> That does indeed, work.  However, the SW_Hide parameter does not seem to 
> suppress the print
> dialogs.  Since I actually need to print multiple documents at once, the user 
> does not want to
> press the print button after every page (and there could be 50+ pages, so I 
> don’t blame them)
> I’ll read the docs a bit and the resource Chip posted, but if anyone has beat 
> their head against
> this wall before and either has a solution, or knows there isn’t one, I’d 
> appreciate hearing
> about it.

You appear to have several options:

PDFtoPrinter    http://www.columbia.edu/~em36/pdftoprinter.html  Have not used 
it, just found it with Google.

Foxit Reader    https://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf-reader/    Have not used it, 
just found it with Google.

Acrobat Reader using “officially undocumented” command line interface.  This is 
the one I built and used many years ago. Not sure if it still works in the 
current version of Acrobat Reader. You will have to test it to see if it still 

Here is some sample code initially written back in 2007. Yikes!!  But you can 
see it supports Acrobat Reader from version 5.0 to 10.0. But you will get the 
docs on the command line parameters. (I found this doing Google searches long 
time ago.)

  // ===========================================
  // PROJECT METHOD: ExpenseReport_PrintReceipts

  // PARAMETERS: $1 = full path to PDF file to print

  // DESCRIPTION: Called form PrintExpenseReport method to print a PDF file
  // of receipts.  

  // This method uses the partially documented -- and unsupported -- way of 
  // Adobe Reader to print a PDF file without displaying print dialogs to the 

  // Command Line Parameters:
  //      /p = displays the Print Dialog box  (but my testing shows it does not 
always show dialog box)
  //      /t = prints without dialog box (but you need to also include the 
printer name parameter)
  //      /n = Launches a separate instance of Acrobat or Adobe Reader, even if 
one is currently open.
  //      /s = Opens Acrobat or Adobe Reader, suppressing the splash screen.
  //      /o = Opens Acrobat or Adobe Reader, suppressing the open file dialog.
  //      /h = Opens Acrobat or Adobe Reader in a minimized window.

  // CREATED BY: Tim Nevels, Innovative Solutions ©2007
  // DATE: 9/20/2007
  // ============================================



If (<>MacOS)
        Msg ("Printing receipt PDF files is currently not supported for Mac OS 
End if 

  // get path to Adobe Reader
If ($OKtoContinue_b)
        $adobeReaderProgramPath_t:="C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Reader 
        If (Test path name($adobeReaderProgramPath_t)#Is a document)
                $adobeReaderProgramPath_t:="C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Reader 
                If (Test path name($adobeReaderProgramPath_t)#Is a document)
Files\\Adobe\\Reader 8.0\\Reader\\AcroRd32.exe"
                        If (Test path name($adobeReaderProgramPath_t)#Is a 
Files\\Adobe\\Reader 7.0\\Reader\\AcroRd32.exe"
                                If (Test path 
name($adobeReaderProgramPath_t)#Is a document)
Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 7.0\\Acrobat\\Acrobat.exe"
                                        If (Test path 
name($adobeReaderProgramPath_t)#Is a document)
$adobeReaderProgramPath_t:="C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 
                                                If (Test path 
name($adobeReaderProgramPath_t)#Is a document)
                                                        Msg ("ERROR: Unable to 
locate Adobe Reader application."+<>CR+<>CR+"Please locate the program.")
document("";"APPL";Get pathname)
                                                        If (OK=1)
                                                        End if 
                                                End if 
                                        End if 
                                End if 
                        End if 
                End if 
        End if 
        If ($adobeReaderProgramPath_t="")
                Msg ("ERROR: Unable to print Receipts PDF file.  The Adobe 
Reader application could not"+" be found.")
        End if 
End if 

  // get current printer name
If ($OKtoContinue_b)
        $printerName_t:=Get current printer
End if 

  // issue the print command to Acrobat Reader
If ($OKtoContinue_b)
        $documentPath_t:=Char(Double quote)+$documentPath_t+Char(Double quote)
quote)+$adobeReaderProgramPath_t+Char(Double quote)
          // handle special command line parameters for different Adobe versions
        Case of 
                : (Caps lock down)  // %%%%%%%%%%%% Debugging Code %%%%%%%%%%%%
                        $commandLineParameters_t:=" /p /h /s "
                        $userInput_t:=Request("Enter command line 
                        If (OK=1)
                        End if 
                          // %%%%%%%%%%%% Debugging Code %%%%%%%%%%%%
                : ($adobeReaderProgramPath_t="@Reader 10.0@")
                        $commandLineParameters_t:=" /t "
                : ($adobeReaderProgramPath_t="@Reader 9.0@")
                        $commandLineParameters_t:=" /t "
                : ($adobeReaderProgramPath_t="@Reader 8.0@")
                        $commandLineParameters_t:=" /t "
                        $commandLineParameters_t:=" /p /h /s "
        End case 
End if 


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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