I would imagine you'd need to write a wrapper DOM function that concatenates 
Int(), ".", Dec().

xml itself allows scientific notation but not if you filter it with a schema.

you might also want to take care of INF (which is never allowed in xml)


I confirm the e-05 threshold with the xml format in 4D

$num:=String(0.000000000000001)  //0.000000000000001
$num:=String(0.00001;"&xml")  //1E-05

so maybe you could use the classic ####0.000000 type of format if the precision 
is limited.
(need to check the compatibility setting re: placeholders in formats)

> 2019/05/07 2:14、Andrea Angeli via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>のメール:
> I should write an xml file with a specific schema where numbers must be 
> always in decimal format, but 4D, when the numbers value is less or egual to 
> value 0.00001, changes their format from decimal to scientific notation.
> The Scientific notation is not allowed in the xml schema and obviously the 
> server, that should import the xml file, return an error.
> Does anyone know a way to force 4D to use always a decimal format?
> I would like to avoid to change number in string.

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