Using v17 r5, Mac
I have a form with a splitter on it. To the left of the splitter is a
hierarchical list and two buttons. To the right of the splitter are a
varying number of objects depending on what's being displayed.
The properties of the splitter are
Horizontal sizing: move
Vertical sizing: grow
Pusher: true

So, I want to make the hierarchical list wider as some of its content is
hidden. I move the splitter to the right a bit. That's fine.
Now I expand one of the items in the hierarchical list. The expanded list
it displayed, but the view of the list shifts to the right so that the left
side of it disappears off the edge of the form. Nothing you do can make it
return to normal - the only solution is to close the window and open a new

Additionally, if I try to resize the window by dragging the bottom right
corner, instead of making it smaller it makes it bigger! I'm dragging left
but the window is getting wider! Sometimes it goes really bananas and
instantly makes the window HUGE.

This is the sort of thing that drives users crazy!

Any ideas?


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