Hi Dave,

I would assume you need a License for Developer and to be running Interpreted...

Go to Help menu, Licenses to see if you have "Developer".  If you just switched 
to R, you may need to re-enter.

Restart 4D, go to Open, select your Structure, and in bottom left of Finder 
window click Options.  Is it set to Open > Interpreted Database?  If you 
compile and test in 4D, it may automatically re-open in Compiled mode.

FYI, R5 was released yesterday.

I had not tried Mobile till I saw your email and now (55 min later) I have 
first test app running in iPhone XR Simulator and it totally works!



On 7/20/19, 7:19 AM, "4D_Tech on behalf of Dave Tenen via 4D_Tech" 
<4d_tech-boun...@lists.4d.com on behalf of 4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

    I am trying to learn the procedure and tutorial for 4D Mobile Apps
    I am having a problem where the menu item “ Mobile Project” is not active!
    I have gone trough the steps in the tutorial to setup, launch and run the 
Mobile Project item in the New Menu, except it is not available to choose 
(grayed out).  
    I am running 4d v17r4 on a MacBook pro running 10.14.5
    Do I need a different version of 4D?
    Any ideas on how to fix this?
    Thanks in advance,
    Dave Tenen
    Personal Chef 
    Coming to you from Spec Pond and I swear the fish was
    this big!!!!
    Dave Tenen
    Personal Chef 
    Coming to you from Spec Pond and I swear the fish was
    this big!!!!
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  • 4D Mobile App Dave Tenen via 4D_Tech
    • Re: 4D Mobile App Spencer Hinsdale via 4D_Tech

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