I'm in the process of converting our main database from v15 to v17. With
the exception of a few plugins that I need (updating 4D Write to 4D Write
Pro and AreaList Pro 9.9.5 to 10.x), I think I have most of what I need. I
used 4D's Knowledgebase solution to "convert" PICT images into PNGs in 4D
v16 (with v16 4D Pack). <https://kb.4d.com/assetid=77963> I ran this method
from the compiled application, first. I'm not sure if this is why, but now,
even after running the script uncompiled, I can only see some of my
converted images, and only from the compiled version. When I browse through
my Picture Library, almost all I see are those camera icons with the red
'X' through them and ".pict" below it.

My database uses Foundation_561, so I converted the PICT images there, as
well, and rebuilt the component so the results would come across in my
actual database. I can't really tell any difference here, though.

Is there an easier way to convert Foundation databases? Surely, someone out
there has done it already, and has those images already in PNG format.

Thanks for any advice,
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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