Back in 4Dv11 days, I was asked to connect to a SQL database with 4D. With 4D, 
I was able to connect to a test copy of the SQL system. I found and extracted 
the list of the SQL tables. And, for each table, I extracted the field map. I 
then wrote 4D code to do sample data extracts for each table - actually wrote 
4D code to generate 4D code for the extracts. Took 3-4 days.

Figured out what the client actually need, etc. The system is still running.

The code is probably around here somewhere - I’m like a packrat - I never throw 
code away.

> On Oct 8, 2019, at 10:04 PM, Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech <> 
> wrote:
> My use of SQL is very limited...
> I have been asked to try to gather data from 4 separate commercial databases 
> (assumed to be running some SQL compliant system of unknown origin - i.e. 
> mysql, ms sql server etc) and try to coordinate the data and produce a report 
> summarizing the combined data.
> so.. I have a few questions...
> Given:
> - any version of 4D from v13 -> v17
> - an unknown SQL compliant database
> - a valid username/password
> is it possible/reasonable to be able to:
> - get the table/field 'structure' (schema?) of the SQL system
> - use the table/field info to automagically create a matching 4D structure?
> - extract data (to text, or into a 4D system) from the SQL system
> Thanks
> Chip
> ------------
> Hell is other people 
>     Jean-Paul Sartre
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Bob McKeever             <>
McKeever's Software Wizardry
Port Coquitlam, B.C.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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