Kirk, Thanks!
Any input is helpful

On Tue, 22 Oct 2019 11:50:33 -0700, Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech wrote:
> The sentiment in the last post, "...I don't know of a good way. Here is a
> bad way that might be enough" is echoed in a lot of the responses to
> similar questions I saw on StackOverflow.

if the objective is to complete a task, and the task gets completed, 
then it *is* a good way!  :)
It might not be the most efficient way, nor even *an* efficient way, 
but it gets done; which is better then an efficient way that can not 
complete the task.  :)

As I have only recently really starting playing/working with objects...
I do not have data to really test the differences between 'stepping' 
through a complex object, object by object and walking down the object 
tree structure, and simply JSON Stringify then searching the resulting 
text for the existence of a property/value pair.

also note - I am looking not just for the existence of a property but 
also the value of that property.
i.e. Person_name & "John Doe"

We have done so much, with so little, for so long;
We are now qualified to anything with nothing <sigh>
  - unknown
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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