On Nov 1, 2019, at 1:27 AM, Robert McKeever via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 

> I’ve had to open all disk access, etc., to the single user app so I can 
> create the billing files to be sent to the government so they can get paid. 
> Sure doesn’t seem very secure to me that way.
> Now for my MacBook Air. 8Gb memory. I’ve been trying to open the source 
> database. I’ve gone through two rounds of authorizing the OS to go ahead and 
> open plug-ins that were downloaded months ago under 10.14.x. Then 4D has a 
> spinning beachball cursor and goes unresponsive. Yet the single user app made 
> under 10.14.6 and v16.6 opens fine on the client machines.
> I asked my son (a software engineer at Apple in Cupertino who works on stuff 
> he can’t tell me about until it is released) about folders at the root level. 
> He said, nope, they can’t even do it in development. Even if you hacked a way 
> to make the folders at the root level, the next OS Update will move them 
> again.

While you can’t make a folder at the root level, you can edit synthetic.conf to 
make it appear as though there is a folder at the root level. It functions as 
an alias in both the Finder and command line. It’s very simple, but one thing 
the man page may not mention is that apparently you need a tab between the 
alias and the path.

man synthetic.conf

Jim Crate

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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