> Le 11 déc. 2019 à 21:58, Chuck Miller via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> a 
> écrit :
> Hi all,
> I am finally ready to update buttons in a v17 db. The code below I think 
> worked in v15 but does not seem to work in v17
> $meth_txt = method text
> $start_L:=1
> array long integer($start_aLp;0)
> array long integer($len_aL;0)
> Match regex("\r(_o_ENABLE BUTTON)(\\()(.*)(\\))(.*)\r”; 
> $meth_txt;$start_L;$start_aL;$len_aL)
> What is wrong with my regex command.

Hi Chuck, 
I can't say what's wrong, regex is hard to read for me and with 4D's double \\ 
it's worse… I often develop in BBEdit, then paste in 4D to avoid this - even if 
regex engines are a bit different. 

I'd use this:
  $rx_t:="^_o_ENABLE BUTTON\\((\\*;)?(.*)\\)"

  $test_c:=New collection()
  $test_c.push("_o_ENABLE BUTTON(buttonVar)")
  $test_c.push("_o_ENABLE BUTTON($var)")
  $test_c.push("_o_ENABLE BUTTON(*;\"buttonName\")")
  $test_c.push("_o_ENABLE BUTTON(*;$name)")
  $rx_t:="^_o_ENABLE BUTTON\\((\\*;)?(.*)\\)"
  ARRAY LONGINT($pos_al;0)
  ARRAY LONGINT($len_al;0)
  For each ($test_t;$test_c)
    ASSERT(Match regex($rx_t;$test_t;1;$pos_al;$len_al))
  End for each 

I'm not sure the starting anchor "^" suits your case, it depends on how you 
manage the method. For my own, I always split code in lines before, then I loop 
on lines. Split string command is nice for that (too bad it's slow). 
Arnaud de Montard 

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  • match regex issue Chuck Miller via 4D_Tech
    • Re: match regex issue Arnaud de Montard via 4D_Tech

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