After a lifetime of ALP development I am venturing into entity selection
List Box(s) for the first time; there is a learning curve.  v17r6 in a
Citrix environment.  I have been able to clear most of the hurdles using
the HDIs and researching iNUG Archives; but I have hit the wall on row

I have a Form Page with 3 entity selection List Boxes; one of them multi
selection.  When the objects have focus, all is well with the visibility of
the selected rows.  When the objects lose focus, the highlighted row(s)
lose the highlight color and change to a shade of light gray that is not
perceptible to the human eye on Citrix.  I’ve searched high and low for a
way to change the color of the highlight in the object without focus.  I
see where I can check the “Hide Selection Highlight” property but have not
been successful in being able to set or maintain a visible color on the
selected rows of the objects without focus.

If someone has a suggestion or can point me to an example to implement this
I would be appreciative.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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