Hi Bruno,

Thank you very much.
This does in fact generate the correct JWT.

I did check where the differences are,  comparing to my code:
Apparently, when using the php function ‘hash_hmac’, or when using Openssl 
through LEP, I get another signature than the one I get from your component.

I am not sure why that is, since the input is exactly the same. 

Anyway, a big thanks. I spent hours trying to generate the JWT with the php / 
openssl and couldn’t figure it out.

Can anyone explain why the results are different? Because I would really like 
to know.


Rudy Mortier
Two Way Communications bvba 

> On 21 Mar 2020, at 08:49, Bruno LEGAY via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi Ruby,
> I sent you a component which does HMAC 256 and JWT object signing.
> It is all native.
> Lets us know if it works.
> Bruno LEGAY
> A&C Consulting
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