On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 8:36 PM Tom Benedict via 4D_Tech <
4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

> For some reason I was under the impression that using project mode was
> optional.

You know it's actually a little more involved. There are some real trade
offs to think about.

There are a number of things you can't do in Project mode:

Paste in something you copied from a binary database. So no copying a form
from that v14 database and pasting it into v18 project. Same with dragging
methods from an old database.

Can't edit it on 4D server. So no team development on a central data
structure. No tweaking and developing directly on the server.

And a number of other things I don't recall at the moment because they
aren't as important to me.

For places that run their 4D server interpreted I think it's a matter of
practice. The good part is you can still simply update the files the
database runs on on-the-fly which is just like logging in and changing
code. On the other hand anyone poking around on the server could a) totally
hose it by moving/deleting a file and b) see hard coded sensitive
information or business logic. The security of the 4D code is the security
of the server.

The benefits of Project are version control, git integration and being able
to use a real text editor. This point is really pretty huge for me. I
really like being able to see and edit the whole database - including the
web folders - in my text editor. This makes changing a field name much
easier than relying on Find in design. Plus it means that when I change the
methods I can also look for the same fields in any web pages that reference
them too.

It also makes it easy to move large bits of common code into a project -
methods and forms.
I like CSS so I like being able to use it instead of the old style sheets -
but it's a big difference.

My preference is to use a Project for new work. But it depends and I'm not
at all opposed to using binary when there's a good reason. In my opinion 4D
is really putting their focus on ORDA and Project mode development and I
won't be surprised to see some of these limitations or distinctions go away
in the next few versions. But that's a ways off at the moment.

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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