I have a methodology of allowing clients to transfer documents that are 
thereafter stored by 4D Server in a ‘LIBRARY’ of system documents it maintains 
automatically. [these are not stored in the DB, but in a managed folder on 

I do this by:
• Loading a system document into a BLOB, then using BASE64 ENCODE to store it 
in a TEXT field;    —— thanks Peter Bozek for the tip on BASE64 ENCODE / DECODE!
• the TRIGGER method (running on 4D server) unpacks it and creates / updates 
the files in its ‘Library’ directory on disk.

Now I need to be able to retrieve the contents of these files for 4D [Client].
I can display the files in a Web Area —> Thanks to Keith for the tip.

** But I am looking for a simple way to get 4D Server to ’send’ the data to the 
CLIENT (4D) upon request.

In the past [since v12), I made elaborate ‘communicator’ stored routines to 
fudge it, but I have a feeling that now there are better ways to do it.

I wish it was simple as:
Request_Document ( $LibraryEntity ) —> Document Contents   [retrieved from the 
library of user’s documents stored by 4D Server on disk]

Any suggestions? Do I have to use Workers, or Stored Procedures, or something?

Thank you, guys & gals,

Chris Belanger
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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