On Apr 30, 2020, at 10:00 PM, Douglas von Roeder wrote:

> Another WTF is that you can’t iterate from the end of a collection to the
> start. You can reorder the collection and then run a For each loop but
> that’s a complete kludge. Dollars to doughnuts, 4D will eventually add a
> parameter to the For each so that we don’t have to use that workaround.
> As Tim Nevels is wont to say (paraphrasing) “This just the beginning - have
> patience!"

I see my name… and have to say “he’s right”. 4D is operating in a mode where 
they release what they can as quickly as they can. They don’t wait literally 
years to build a complete, finished product/feature set. They are in RAD mode. 
The “R” release is the example of that. We are getting a lot of features very, 
very fast. 

Yes, there are always some that complain that they are not getting everything 
right now. It is too slow. It is not complete. Why do we not have this or that? 
Gentlemen... grow up. Only babies don’t understand that you can’t have 
everything immediately. If 4D did what you claim you wanted — deliver a feature 
complete and totally stable new feature set — you’d be wait literally years. 
And you would then say “4D is doing nothing, I’ve seen nothing new for YEARS!"

I am 100% on 4D’s side. In my opinion they have made a good decision with doing 
the “R” releases and putting out new features every 3 months. Remember that you 
get a new “R” release every 3 months. Every 3 months you get new feature and 
more things that you did not have before. And now with the 2 year major Long 
Term Support (LTS) cycle you are going to get 8 “R” releases of new features 
every 3 months. Then you get a new, major LTS version that has 2 years worth of 
development work. 

And it will be a solid release. A deployable x.0 release. That’s the goal at 
least. And They got very, very close with v17.0. Unknown how much closer they 
got with v18.0 release. But for sure it is 1,000 times better than v11.0, or 
v12.0 or v13.0. I lived through v11, v12 and v13 at client sites in production. 
And back then EVERYONE with any sense waited for .2 or .3 before deploying to 
production at client sites. 

I deployed v17.0 at client sites — first time in my life I deployed a 4D x.0. 
And I continued to upgrade them to .1 and .2 and using hot fix version. My 
current v17 version is v17.3 HF2. Yeah… I know 17.4 has been releases and I’ll 
most likely upgrade to that at some point. But v17.3 HF2 fixed enough and was 
“good enough” that I’m happy with it.

ORDA and the new “classes” and the even more exciting web based options 4D is 
building will give us more options. Some we can use and incorporate into 
existing code easily. Some of the new feature REQUIRE doing new code. 
Retrofitting will not be possible or will not give you the desired results. 
Sometimes you just have to start over. I’ll give you an example… listboxes.

First there were no listboxes, so AreaList was created. And it filled a needed 
hole in the 4D environment. So we all used AreaList Pro and loved it. And built 
big code libraries with it. Then 4D implemented listboxes, but it did not 
compete with AreaList in many areas. So for something “simple” you would use a 
listbox, but for the power and features you stayed with AreaList Pro. Now that 
gap is very small. 4D listboxes are very close to the power and feature set of 
AreaList Pro. And if you want to use entities or use collections AreaList Pro 
is out of the picture. 4D listboxes are the only option. So throw the AreaList 
Pro code library away and start over. 

4D has ramped up to deliver a lot of fantastic, new and advanced features to 
the platform. They are doing it in pieces. It’s going to take time. But by 
releasing it in pieces over the next 2 years we will have time to get to know 
it, and learn it, and plan for it and figure out how we can integrate it into 
our existing projects. 

And to get some of the benefits we will need to start over. And we have to wait 
for the feature set to be completed. No retrofitting. All new code. But we get 
to choose if we do this. We can choose to not make the jump. Stay in “classic” 
mode and that’s OK. It’s a client driven world. If they don’t want to pay for 
it — and you don’t want to rewrite it all for free — you keep on the current 
path. Totally cool and supported. 

No 4D Summit 2020. It went virtual and online and it’s free. So zero complaints 
here.. other than missing seeing all my “old friends” again. I did miss that. A 

2021 there will be 4D World Tour — as usual. And it will be filled with v18 “R” 
release “goodies”. So I’m looking forward to that. 

2022 will be another 4D Summit… and the release of 4D v19. 2 years worth of 
development that will finally be completed and released. It’s gonna be a big 

The TV show Kung Fu… I loved that show when it was on TV in reruns. (I have the 
entire series on DVD and have watched it all from beginning to end a few years 


Patience... Grasshopper


That comes from a television show called Kung Fu. Kwai Chang Caine was played 
by David Caradine who’s character often thought back to his earlier years 
training as a Shaolin Monk in Asia. It was during this training that his blind 
Chinese master would say “Patience Young Grasshopper.”

Words to live by.


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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