Hi Chip,
I use VPN a lot. For small Installations the free pfsense.org (openvpn) is
well known. I have used it for 15 years without problems with 6 Clients. A
good and free openvpn Mac Client is tunnelblick.org. A old PC could be a
start, it runs also on esxi. Readymade Appliances can be bought here:
https://store.netgate.com/Routers-C178.aspx and

Lately I installed one of these https://www.ipu-system.de/ , and liked it
very much. This could be the same HW:

If you buy Hardware for pfsense check for cryptographic-accelerator-support

Take also a look at the pfsense fork: https://opnsense.org/
Promising but very new is https://www.wireguard.com/

For big, commercial Installation use Juniper Appliances

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