
Just out of my dirty and provocative soul… - have fun :o)

How would be the ORDA-Replacement look like for the following scenario?:

The administrator of a 4D-database is able to set/change the number and the 
order of the fields of ALL tables a common user can search in at any time 
without re-compiling.

Meaning the Query is constructed with the “;*" parameter.

/QUERY Construction

Repeat // start “collecting" Query parameters

        $searchptr:=Get pointer("vtxtSearch"+String($count))
        If ((Not(Is nil pointer($searchptr))) & ($searchptr->#""))
(Field([xFieldInfo]TableIDRef;[xFieldInfo]FieldID);$searchptr). // Get info for 
the current table
        End if 
        NEXT RECORD([xFieldInfo])

Until (End selection([xFieldInfo]))

\QUERY Construction

QUERY(vptrCurrentTable->) // Execute Query 


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