On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Iain R. Learmonth <i...@fsfe.org> wrote:

> On 27/03/14 11:50, Rowan Evenstar wrote:
> > Why no S in the url ? normally having http:// looks silly, so to even
> put
> > it there seems strange, but if it was to be there, then at least is
> should
> > have the s no ?
> >
> Because HTTPS isn't currently configured, I need to find time to do that
> and so far don't have any. It doesn't make sense to send people to a URL
> that doesn't resolve.

So then no http is required at all ? Makes the line shorter. then shrink
the @twitter, maybe have the other social media icons to show we have a

> > I spy Makes website said somethign about being the first. Why is it such
> a
> > big deal to put massively on the poster ?
> >
> Make is the first Digital Fabrication Lab. Being Aberdeen's First
> Hackerspace has always been a part of our brand, even back when we were
> Hackerdeen, even if it's not entirely accurate.

but its more of an inside thing. And it takes up a lot of space where a
possibly better 'hook line could go'

> > I don't like the actual paragraph tryign to say what it is. To much
> hack..
> We're a hackerspace...

Words like electronics, software and some less scary ones would be handy

> > I must have totally missed the email that put this out for review.
> There wasn't one, it's a poster, rule 1. We can always evolve it and
> I'll be adding the IRC channel to it.

The Minutes of the meeting stated it was done, and the action was to send
it out for review.

> The PSD is over 100MB, so I can't really put it anywhere, but can bring
> it into the space and upload it to whiteboard over the wifi and then
> people can download it over the wifi.

I can wait till its available to test out some changes. As I like rule 1

> Iain.
> --
> urn:x-human:Iain R. Learmonth
> http://iain.learmonth.me/
> mailto:i...@fsfe.org
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