Have you had experience with this group before ? I have (I even ended up in the 
paper with them) It's mainly older women in business that have IT in there 
title and imo are not even close to geeky :( infact they made jokes about geeks 
that really got my back up. I gave up going. I'm not middle management in a 
suit. Good to reach out too, but best to know your audience and saying hacking 
like that is likely to scare them off.

Be interesting to see where it goes. And yeah they haven't been active much in 
a while. 

Apologies for top posting. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 24 May 2014, at 16:48, "Iain R. Learmonth" <i...@fsfe.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a director of 57North Hacklab[1] and we're looking at running some
> entry-level workshops for those that want to get involved in hacking[2]. We
> will be aiming for these workshops to be as inclusive as possible.
> [1]: https://57north.co/
> [2]: 
> http://www.mail-archive.com/57north-discuss@lists.57north.co/msg00494.html
> We would also be interested in getting involved in your group in Aberdeen,
> helping to promote the events and possibly helping to run them (we are all
> volunteers, so no guarantees). The Aberdeen group is listed as active, but
> there are no upcoming events, does this mean we were active but since died?
> We exist, we've now discovered that you exist, and maybe we can work
> together. Let me know what you think.
> Iain.
> -- 
> urn:x-human:Iain R. Learmonth
> http://iain.learmonth.me/
> mailto:i...@fsfe.org
> xmpp:i...@jabber.fsfe.org
> tel:+447875886930
> GPG Fingerprint: 1F72 607C 5FF2 CCD5 3F01 600D 56FF 9EA4 E984 6C49
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