On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 08:58:43AM +0100, Tom Jones wrote:
> This weekend is campGND (http://cmapGND.com) Scotland first Hackercamp. There
> are still tickets available to come and take the hackerspace to outerspace.
> campGND is a week long hacking event, imagine a night in the space that lasts
> two days, but with much more fire.

I've not booked a week off work, should I be doing that?!

I'll be there, looking at yagi antenna designs, thinking about how to
attach them to my camera tripod, stressing about construction of patch
cables and termination of coax and maybe drinking tea instead of gin in
an attempt to be productive.

I'll also be continuing my quest to use the wiki as the dump for all my
project documentation and ideas and expanding the radio category. I'll
have the radio on, see if I can raise more than just Dave in Stoney and
Bruce in his motor on the local repeater.

It's going to be a busy night!

Linkedin: http://http://www.linkedin.com/in/davehibberd
Check out my blog: http://beta.hibby.info

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