Happy Thursday everyone!

It's time of the oft rumoured, rarely discussed return of

I'm going to be in looking tired and run down, considering the finer
points of midi and microcontrollers from 730/8ish onwards.

If you want to come in and make a racket, now's your chance - it doesn't
have to be musical or tuneful. I probably won't be...

Ping a message if you plan to come in and make annoying beeps and/or

Blog:           http://www.hibby.info
Linkedin:       http://www.linkedin.com/in/davehibberd
XMPP:           hi...@ccc.jabber.de
GPG:            5E4F 5451 93E8 969C 8A59  
                B80A 03A1 FB7A 1904 771B
Twitter:        @Hibbie
Call:           MM3ZRZ

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