On Wed, Nov 04, 2015 at 06:39:55PM +0000, Robert McWilliam wrote:
> There will be a meeting of the board of directors on Wednesday 11th
> November 2015 at 19:30 in the hackspace. 
> I think we'll circulate the accounts before the meeting, but still
> need to confirm that with the other directors; either they'll follow
> shortly or an explanation of the change of plan will.

Sorry, this is massively later than I'd intended, but the accounts are
now available for anyone who wants to have a look at them.


Abbreviated accounts:

Tax forms:

These aren't approved yet so are still subject to revision if we
notice anything is wrong.

I'll see those of you who're coming along this evening then.

Robert McWilliam     r...@allmail.net    www.ormiret.com

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who study history are doomed to know it's repeating.

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