And good bus routes, and short walk from union street :)

Will someone pop her an email ? I've asked her to let me know down the line
if she does hear anything. It'd be helping her out, the council are happy
to change he lease over to someone else. Seems a bargain to me. Will leave
it with ya.
On Sun, 13 Mar 2016 at 20:11, Andy Gaskell <> wrote:

> Hiya
> Sounds good, maybe it is...
> 32 menzies road torry
> 77 square metres is a fair size, and ground floor makes for good access.
> Cheers
> Andy
> On 12 Mar 2016 17:12, "Rowan Evenstar" <> wrote:
>> I have a friend who owns a shop in Tory that's under £350 a month and is
>> looking for someone to take over the lease. I don't know the spec, but she
>> has passed me her email so you can contact her.
>> On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 at 23:11, Mike O'Hagan <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I can't help you decide, and I am not offering more money but I could
>>> help with the fit out - I have tools, time and skills to offer.
>>> Mike O'H.
>>> On 23/02/2016 23:57, Edward Watson wrote:
>>> Apologies all - the previous email has a subject borrowed from my much
>>> longer, rough draft. This one is much less terrible -  please consider
>>> commenting, we value your input!
>>> *Sent on behalf of the 57North Board of Directors*
>>> Dear 57N members, visitors and followers
>>> As you may know, your directors have been collecting options around
>>> moving to a
>>> larger space. Our limiting factor has been our relatively low income in a
>>> pretty expensive city. Recently, we've been looking into a local unit
>>> (half a
>>> large room) on George Street above the Eco Hub shop.
>>> * The good parts:
>>>     - The unit itself is half a first floor room, roughly the same floor
>>> area
>>>       as our present space but with more height (good for taller
>>> storage). It
>>>       is up a single flight of stairs via a corridor with space for
>>> lockers.
>>>       The unit's rear door leads up from a car park, available after 6pm.
>>>     - The landlord does not require a deposit and is keen to help and
>>> work
>>>       alongside a group such like us. He has a number of small projects
>>> ideas
>>>       he would offer, with kit, to anyone interested e.g. lighting
>>> showroom
>>>       design, product prototyping and experimenting with fuel cells.
>>>     - At this location we'd have control of the outside door so we'd
>>> have actual
>>>       24/7 access to the space.
>>> * The less good parts:
>>>     - The unit/room requires us to refit it. We would need to add:
>>>         * more power sockets
>>>         * network sockets
>>>         * storage
>>>         * desks
>>>       This would have to be done with space volunteers
>>>     - We might have to start paying for internet connection, we cannot
>>> assume
>>>       our current sponsor will transfer our account. We are looking into
>>> this
>>>       but safer to assume we will lose this.
>>>     - The unit is more expensive to rent and the rate will increase as
>>> time
>>>       goes on.  It is an extra £45 per month initially compared to our
>>> current rate and
>>>       increases by £70 ontop in 6 months, then by another £50 ontop of
>>> that nearer to
>>>       2018. This does not include any utilities.
>>> We are only just about meeting our present costs, therefore we would
>>> need to
>>> significantly increase our income prior to moving and have to maintain
>>> it once
>>> we move.
>>> The directors propose we should only consider such a move if we can:
>>>     (a) increase our income by an additional £120/month on top of the
>>> current,
>>>         which will provide us with enough income for approx. 7 months
>>> under new
>>>         space rent/electric/internet
>>>     (b) gather enough interest from members to actually perform the move.
>>> Addressing (a), one proposal is to ask members for sustained monthly
>>> pledges on
>>> top of their usual rate over the next 7 month period totalling
>>> £120/month of
>>> additional income. Meeting this for the next 7 months would give us
>>> breathing
>>> room to increase membership and reach for funding.
>>> For point (b), we suggest a separate show of hands for people who can
>>> commit time, tools, transport and possibly money for materials. It would
>>> be
>>> a great group project for those that are keen.
>>> Comments only please at this stage. If we proceed, we'll arrange for
>>> pledges to
>>> received privately. Please either reply to this email or contact the
>>> directors
>>> directly with comments and feedback, using the email below.
>>> Regards,
>>> The 57North Board
>>>   <>
>>> 57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
>>> 57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
>>> _______________________________________________
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>>> list57north-announce@lists.57north.co
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