On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 09:39:03AM +0100, Hibby wrote:
> Morning hackers!
> It's Tuesday - this means it's open day down at 57N!
> Everyone is welcome to come on down to play what is essentially grownup
> show and tell.   
> What do you plan to bring and work on / show off?

I will be in, I will be seeing how well my system does trying to win
this bet with Nordin. I'll probably be asking people where is best to
set up a mqtt broker too. 

To Kickstart: 
        We probably want to run one on a vps and maybe federate to one in
        the space. We can firewall off topics so space only messages can
        stay within the building. How does that sound?

        We might actually want an even more complicated architecture so we
        can use mqtt over websockets and embed stuff in webpages.

        SSL is also a consideration, but writing against the api has been
        making me sad all week.

> I won't be in as I'm curling,  but I'll be there in spirit or something.

Booo, hiss!

- [tj]
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