I'm going to a show tonight but I'll drop in to the new space if there is time.
I'm a bit disappointed not to be more involved in fixing up the new space - how 
do I get on the e-mailing list?
Please will someone call me to confirm that the gear I am getting ready for 
CampGND is actually wanted.

079 200 90 260

On 29/05/2018 14:01, Edward Watson wrote:

Dear Kind Space Folk

Today is Tuesday and as of yesterday, pretty much all kit from the old
location due to moved has been brought across. This is not the move's
end or even the beginning of the end, but it is perhaps the beginning
of the middle - I shall therefore call it 'the middlining'!

Join us as we sit on fresh seats in a new part-rewired space and
discuss missions achieved to-date and debate what the hell we do next.
We probably will not have Internet but don't worry, there are plenty
of fun things to take your mind off that, namely:

 - moving/organising boxes of stuff,
 - painting main room (?),
 - cleaning elsewhere,
 - bikeshedding for the rest of the continuing fit out
 - plus other stuff ..

So maybe bring painting clothes (if case we paint), work boots and
your choice of refreshment as we push on with fitting out our new
hacky home.

I will be opening the new space at around 6.30 unless anyone with a
key can arrive earlier. 7pm is probably a safer time to arrive. The
first person to arrive needs to enter the top stairwell via Engaged
then open the street doors for the rest. The main room will be locked
until a keybarer arrives. O/c this will be electronically controlled
as soon as possible.

See you there! And by there, I mean: Basement Floor, 26 North Silver
Street, Aberdeen AB10 1RL [1].


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