
On 22/10/2019 10:20, Hibby wrote:
> 3120VA isn't that much, and in terms of heat output is pretty low too - my 
> server potentially draws 750W. 2-3 of them and we're stuffed! 

Your server doesn't draw 750W.

It's more like 130W.

I don't understand why the power supplies are so overspec'd. Maybe for
older power hungry hard drives or something.

> I wonder if we can stick it in the comms room, terminate the fibre there and 
> more... 

I don't think there is a comms room.

The fibre comes out in a cupboard inside the suite, and it's not that deep.

If you mean the cupboard at the front where they keep the DSL router,
that might actually be an option if we run the fibre back to the other
end of the room via the ceiling, then into the fibre cupboard. Don't
know about ventilation in that cupboard.

> We should also look at how this is funded - it's going to drive power use up, 
> and I'd rather not squeeze the space out of cash accidentally. 
> If we assume that a server is running idle at 200W or so, with an average UK 
> electricity cost of 15.5p/ kWh then we can estimate that:
> 15.5 pence * (200W/1000W) * 24h * 365 days == £271.60 / 12 == £22.63/mo. 
> That's more than a membership to keep something alive, potentially?

No reason you can't increase your donation.

> Alternatively, I wonder if we could ask IFB or someone for some physical 
> space and do *actual* colo at their location? Cheeky, but it could be worth 
> it...

Also there is a brightsolid (DC Thomson) datacenter on Lang Stracht.


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