Hi All,

Do you have an RTL-SDR around that you want to use for something? Would
you be excited to know what the weather in my garden is like?

Every 30 minutes I am now transmitting a data packet on 144.800MHz using
1200 baud AFSK. You can likely receive this across most of Aberdeen
thanks to the repeater station at the University.

If you want to give it a go, on a Debian system:

sudo apt install rtl-sdr direwolf
rtl_fm -f 144.8M -o 4 - | direwolf -n 1 -r 24000 -b 16 -

Then wait. You should hopefully see some packets decode in your terminal
after some time. There is at least one every 10 minutes. After not long,
you should then learn the temperature and humidity in my garden!

If you give it a try, let me know how you get on.

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