The IESG has approved the following document:
- '6LoWPAN Paging Dispatch'
  (draft-ietf-6lo-paging-dispatch-05.txt) as Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the IPv6 over Networks of
Resource-constrained Nodes Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Suresh Krishnan and Terry Manderson.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary

Controlling the amount of data transmission is one possible means of
   saving energy.  In a number of LLN standards, the frame size is
   limited to much smaller values than the IPv6 maximum transmission
   unit (MTU) of 1280 bytes.  In particular, an LLN that relies on the
   classical Physical Layer (PHY) of IEEE 802.15.4 [IEEE802154] is
   limited to 127 bytes per frame.  The need to compress IPv6 packets
   over IEEE 802.15.4 led to the 6LoWPAN Header Compression [RFC6282]
   work (6LoWPAN-HC).

   As more and more protocols need to be compressed, the encoding
   capabilities of the original dispatch defined in the 6lo adaptation
   layer framework ([RFC4944],[RFC6282]) becomes saturated.  This
   specification introduces a new context switch mechanism for 6LoWPAN
   compression, expressed in terms of Pages and signaled by a new Paging
   Dispatch mechanism.

Working Group Summary

There was minimal controversy and rough consensus appears to have been 
achieved. The shepherd had initially raised some concerns with the draft 
and his criticisms were entertained on the working group list, with the 
objections heard and considered in fairness. The consensus of the 
working group is that the additional operational complexity of 
introducing the paging state variable in the 6LoWPAN parser is worth the 
energy savings to be had by not using a more verbose grammar for 
extending the dispatch code space while preserving the statelessness of 
the parser.  

Document Quality

There are at least two independent open-source implementations, i.e. 
OpenWST and Kontiki, and both have been tested for interoperability at 
an ETSI plugfest event.


James Woodyatt  is the document shepherd. Suresh Krishnan is the 
responsible AD.

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