A few 'notes and thanks' for the 6lo session this morning.

Thanks to all of you who helped us fixing the initial technical issue of
not being able to display our console on the projector due to some issues
with incompatible adapter and the projector being powered off.

Thanks to Ines for being our jabber scribe and keeping an eye on meetecho

Many thanks to Dominique for being our consistent minute taker for last few
IETFs!  The etherpad notes are available now while it is being merged with
other notes :

If anyone else has taken notes, please send them to the 6lo-cha...@ietf.org

--Note on-- 6lo plugtest along with 6tisch in Prague---

Kerry asked the question at 6tisch and we were supposed to discuss this at
6lo meeting but we could not get to it due to time shortage.

Here is what we like to ask in the mailing list:

1) If the 6lo implementors like to participate  in 6lo plugfest along with
6tisch, please express your interest to the mailing list and:
Contact: Kerry Lynn, Carsten Bormann and 6lo-chairs

2) Also we invite suggestions on improving the 6lo testing efficiency and
planning if we do participate in the plugfest based on the past experiences

Finally thanks to our AD, Suresh Krishnan for helpful advices during the
meeting today and to all our members who participated the session!

-Samita , Gabriel, Ralph and James (6lo-office)
6lo mailing list

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