Dear 6lo WG,

The PASA solution encodes path information into addresses to enable stateless 
forwarding, suitable for applications with wired and static networks. Based on 
the received feedback and constructive discussion, we added in the PASA draft a 
“comprehensive use cases” chapter to provide a deeper view on a few use cases 
with wired connectivity and static topology to demo the applicability of the 
PASA solution. On top of that, by adding a new PASA_6LoRH routing header, the 
PASA is integrated into the overall 6LowPAN architecture. The forwarding 
behavior has been updated accordingly.

As one of the co-authors, I support the adoption of the draft.

Kind regards
David Lou

From: 6lo <> On Behalf Of Carles Gomez Montenegro
Sent: Wednesday, 25 January 2023 14:50
Subject: [6lo] Call for WG adoption of 

Dear 6lo WG,

As you may recall, the work formerly known as 'NSA' has been modified based on 
the feedback provided by the WG. The work has also been renamed as Path-Aware 
Semantic Addressing (PASA).

The initial version of the PASA draft was presented in IETF 115. The draft has 
been updated to address the comments received. After that, the authors have 
requested a call for adoption of the draft.

This message starts a call for WG adoption for

(Link below:

The call will end on the 8th of February 23:59 (UTC).

Please state whether you are in favor of adopting this document.

Also, any comments you may have, and/or expressions of interest to review
the document, will be very much appreciated.


Shwetha and Carles
6lo mailing list

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