Thanks, I'll read it and see if it can be of help

On 25/03/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hola,
> i think you can take other approaches to solve your problems instead of
> using vim, or making acme behave like vim.
> see what others have done with acme:
> may be that could give you more ideas, other perspectives, etc. about the
> tasks you do with those files how do you do them.
> may be if you want just compare some columns, or some rows, or look for a
> value, or change values, or whatever, you could write functions, regexp, etc
> which will make your tasks easier and more confortable to do. acme chording
> is really great when you get used to it.
> or even writting an acme client :), having a programmable environment
> gives you many options, original programmes could not imagine all the
> situations, but they were (and are) smart and included tools making you able
> to set the program to your needs.
> good luck :)
> gabi

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