>      must not buffer data indefinitely, and (2) MUST set the
>      PSH bit in the last buffered segment (i.e., when there
>      is no more queued data to be sent).
> The implication is that the "preceding segment" to a pkt with
> no data *will have* PSH set.

so does the implementation do that?
can you prove it in all cases?
what will break if we just change it without knowing?
after all, it has been 15 years to come across a botched receiver's 
of PSH (ie, godaddy's) which is the only reason to change it.
that's what i was pointing out. i could do the work myself, i suppose, but i 
haven't got the incentive.

>here you have to be compatible with existing
>implementations as far as possible (in order to maximize

i suspect arguments like that caused the current situation with HTML, CSS and 
computing is needlessly regressing.

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