> on .10, I can run venti/venti. on .11, it locks up 9vx quite
> thoroughly after it prints init.... If you resize the window it is
> filled with garbage. Under strace I can see it taking the timer
> interrupts.
> Linux xcpu 2.6.25 #6 SMP Tue May 27 09:46:16 PDT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> Sorry I don't have much more. I'm still looking around.
> also, on .10, when I am doing a venti/copy, at some point vx dies with
> a sigsev on cpux, where x is 5 or 7 or 9 so far.

If you invoke it with the -A flag, then it will go into a 
sleep loop on panic (-A stands for abort, but that didn't
work very well on OS X).  You can then attach with gdb
and get a stack trace or look at what the other threads
are doing.

The cpu numbers don't really mean anything except
for whether they're 0 (runs user code) or non-zero
(runs kprocs).


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