I remember the day I first saw a file magic file. I welcomed it because for the first time I didn't have access to the source code. Those were the days when you had to have $45k to get the source. A hard thing to ask for. Today a separate magic file is just a leftover vestige of the past. There are a lot of things like that. Do we still need to compress man pages on 1TB disk driver? :)

erik quanstrom wrote:
In a sense, the question is more about the historical change and/or adoption of a new file command for Plan 9 that doesn't use a magic file for references. Why opt out of a magic file other than the obvious performance hit of scanning it each run? Is it worth repeating the old forms that used magic, or has anyone in the Plan 9 community already improved upon the idea and introduced a new, more adaptable tool?

what is the upside to an external magic file?  as you've shown, you
can add a file type in 1 line of code.  while the external magic file
isn't c, i would argue that it's still code.
the disadvantage is that you need to write a parser for yet another
file format.  it turns out that linux file's maintainers felt that a text file
wasn't good enough so they implemented a magic compiler.  i really
don't understand the logic behind the compiler, since it would seem
to trade reduced cpu cycles for increased i/o.  that would seem to be
a terrible trade off these days.

; wc magic magic.mgc
  13469   69850  484372 magic
   1301   17997 1062400 magic.mgc               # compiled version

the source is pretty big, too:

; wc -l ffile-4.20/src/*.[ch]|grep total
  9273 total

according to wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_(Unix)),
system v introduced the external magic file.  i don't think that system v
was in anyway an ancestor of plan 9.  but i don't know anything of
the history of plan 9 file.

- erik

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