On Mon, 07 Jul 2008 14:45:53 EDT erik quanstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
> i'm assuming by "core file" you don't mean executable.
> plan 9 already keeps an executable cache.

It contains executable code but it is not an executable in
the sense you don't directly feed it to exec(2).  A lisp
process might add new functions and dump a new core image
file.  A later lisp process will have those functions
available to it.  One can even choose a diff. core file to
start with.

> > Presumably the reads are cached?  
> reads are not cached.  read on plan 9 is syncronous.
> there is no block cache.
> > Even so, there will the cost of copying to the segment.  Or can
> > one create multiple text and data segments in some way so
> > that stuff will be paged in as necessary?  Also, if a shared
> > segment is created won't the forked processes be able to
> > modify this segment?  Ideally one would like a private copy
> > for each child.  Is segattach + read the best (only?) way to
> > do this?
> why wouldn't you use ramfs?

You mean to cache the core file in memory?  That can


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