* erik quanstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080708 17:40]:
> > This machine has to deliver all mail to my ISPs smtp so I set the
> > rewrite script to rewrite.gateway. The ISPs smtp rejected my mail
> > though because it expected a From: line different to my [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > or the default $fd set in remotemail. I added a 
> is the problem that you require that the smtp helo domain be different
> from the envelope sender (the $address in the smtp "mail from
> $address" line?) is this why you can't set $fd to something that won't
> be rejected and still have your From: lines properly rewritten?

As far as I understood $fd just sets the domain, I need the user
and the domain name to be different from my local settings though.

> > 'From: "ckeen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' 
> > 
> > line to /mail/box/ckeen/headers but this does not seem to have any
> > effect. I thus added a names.remote file with
> > 
> > 'ckeen [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> according to the man page, the standard place for this information
> would be a file listed in /mail/lib/fromfiles, and alias mail should
> be given the -f switch.  (maybe there's a difference for gatways that
> i'm missing?)

I read the page as if the -f switch is for domain names only. Am I

> > - shouldn't the headers file work too?
> the envelope sender isn't the same as the rfc822 sender so
> no, i don't think that should work.

right, thanks.

Kind regards,


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