Its because I want to "Get my job done"™ that I use plan9.

Bite if you please. Hook, line, and sinker ;-)

What's your job?

1. Maintaining a Plan 9 system?
2. Programming a Plan 9 system?
3. Researching a Plan 9 system?
4. Or you got some job other than jobs created _around_ Plan 9 and you use Plan 9?

(1) through (3) mean Plan 9 is your "job." You feed off of it. Dealing with its quirks is your business. Well, that's your lot. Others are probably luckier.

If your "job" is not 1-3 and you have a "computer job" tell me who has allowed you to use a research platform in production environment? Are you at Rangboom or Coraid, or implementing one of the _few_ applications Plan 9 has found in the "Real World?" Are you a freelancer? What sort of customers do you have?

What exactly do you Get Done (tm) on Plan 9? I mean, aren't there easier ways to do it? If yes, staying on Plan 9 is simply "fanity"--a la vanity-- and "fanity" is beyond reason; my reason, at least. If no, how come your job's so specific that can't be done on much more widely used systems? Probably it's just 1-3.

--On Tuesday, August 19, 2008 11:26 PM +0100 Steve Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Plan 9 and the related software just
isn't for someone who wants to Get Their Job Done (tm).

Sorry, I have to bite.

Its because I want to "Get my job done"™ that I use plan9.


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