Hi all,

I'd like to set up a cpu/auth/file server for my home network. I
already have a laptop server running Ubuntu 8.04, so the idea is to
also get Plan 9 running on it, via lguest. It's mostly working, but
I'm encountering a few problems.

Here's what I've done so far (maybe it's excessive list every single
step, but just in case...):

1. Grab relevant files.

- Download 9lguestcpu.2.6.25.elf and RUNLGUEST from Ron's contrib directory
- Get thx9.img out http://9grid.net/rminnich/src/lguest/thnx9.bz2
- Download the 2.6.25 kernel: linux-2.6.25.tar.bz2 (dated 2008-04-17;
I tried the latest version,, but encountered the same
problems that were reported in http://9fans.net/archive/2008/07/690)

2. Compile and install kernel

- I start with the stock 2.6.25 kernel. I then copy in my current
config (Ubuntu 2.6.24-19-generic), run 'make oldconfig', then answer
the config prompts with mostly the defaults.
- Then I configure the LGUEST, LGUEST_LGUEST, VIRTIO, etc. config
entries as per the lguest.txt documentation.
- Then I compile (here the debian way, with 'make-kpkg kernel_image
- I also run 'make' in Documentation/lguest to get my 'lguest' binary.

3. Prepare host machine

- Install the new kernel on the host machine and reboot.
- modprobe lg syscall_vector=64
- iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
- echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

4. Run Plan 9 in lguest

- I modified RUNLGUEST so that the command is:
  ./lguest 256 9lguestcpu.2.6.25.elf --block=thx9.img
- sudo ./RUNLGUEST

Eventually it prompts for the filesystem, and I pick the default. Here
is the output from that point onwards:

root is from (tcp, il, local)[local!#S/sd00/fossil]:
disk is #S/sd00/fossil
GET VENTI ENV! #S/sd00/arenas
IN THERE AND nf is 1
F 0 is #S/sd00/arenas
setenv venti to tcp!127.1!17034
init[0] = init
init[1] = -c
LGATTACH edev c0440b90 ctlr c0440dd0
ETHERIN: devno 3 ring 0 irq 34
ETHEROUT: devno 3 ring 0 irq 35
lguestnetwork is
ndb/dns: can't read my ip address
rc (cpurc): null list in concatenation

init: starting /bin/rc

Networking wasn't working at first. So I modified /lib/ndb/local so
that the dns entry pointed to my router (, and then I ran
the following:

% ip/ipconfig -g ether /net/ether0
% ndb/dns -r

And then I can resolve names and ping out. So far, so good, but there
are three problems that I'm still trying to figure out:

1. How can I avoid having to manually configure networking each time I boot?
2. I can ping from the host machine to the lguest interface
(, but when I try to connect with drawterm the connection
is refused.
3. lguest always runs at full CPU. How can I figure out why this is
happening? (I don't feel comfortable running lguest for more than a
few minutes at a time -- the laptop gets pretty hot.)

Any advice or pointers on these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



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