Sadly, the picture changes at run time: clock on plan 9 is 128k in
memory, xclock is 4.2M RSS and 10M VSZ.
Sic transit gloria .so. Of course, then we hear that "well, all that
is shared". Hmm. Prove it.

I know one thing: every major operating system I have ever heard of leverages shared libraries. Can all those people be wrong? I don't think so.

FWIW, the whole issue of goodness/badness of shared libraries has
never been systematically measured as far as I know -- in terms of
performance cost, overhead, throughput, the usual suspects -- or at
I've never seen it done. It would be a lot of work to do it correctly.
Might be interesting.

Title: Dynamic Linking of Software Components
Author: Michael Franz
YoP: 1997


The concepts underlying dynamic linking reached maturity through modular
operating systems and are being reintroduced in some of the most popular
workstation and PC operating systems.


The abstract says this is an overall survey of dynamic linking. I can't access the full text and I wouldn't understand it even if I could. You are the CS/CE person. Be the judge, too.

So the compressed version is only 50% larger than acme. The point being?

That there's a lot of redundancy in the executable image principally imposed by the binary format.

$ readelf -e /usr/local/bin/vim

Reveals over 170 KB of data only in .data, .rodata, and .bss sections.

$ objdump -s /usr/local/bin/vim

Displays tons of zeroes in all sections except .text. Even RLE could have considerably reduced the image size.

Does the redundant litter cross the network when I have it mounted via
a share and execute the program or not? That was the original

I don't know. The size of Emacs executable has as much connection to that question as I do, but it was _you_ who made the bad Emacs joke.

Wrong for ELF.

About ELF:

Defining data elements in the bss section is somewhat different from
defining them in the data section. Instead of declaring specific data
types, you just declare raw segments of memory that are reserved for
whatever purpose you need them for.


One benefit to declaring data in the bss section is that the data is not
included in the executable program. When data is defined in the data
section, it must be included in the executable program, since it must be
initialized with a specific value. Because the data areas declared in the
bss section are not initialized with program data, the memory areas are
reserved at runtime, and do not have to be included in the final program.

-- Professional Assembly Programming, Richard Blum, in the context of using (g)as and ELF

Exactly what I said. I don't want to sound authoritative but when something is right it is right and there's nothing you or I can do about it. So: "right for ELF."

Executable image size can be less than memory size because there can be _uninitialized_ data reserved in data segments, e.g. when you reserve a buffer but don't care what it initially contains. However, _initialized_ data always and invariably gets written to disk--think of a whole 64K of zeroes.

Example from a simple program for Flat Assembler with Win32 target:

section '.data' data readable writeable

        buffer_ptr      dd 00h                <---- a pointer reserved, and 

        buffer          db 00FFFFh dup (?)    <---- a buffer reserved, but not 

Ah! Now we're into feature comparisons! I'm game. How did you get to 1
in 5 and not 1 in 4.8, or 1 in 6?

You know very well that the ratio is an inaccurate measure as the context suggests. 1 to 5 is like your pinkie to all your fingers. Trying to "context-switch" and turn a guesstimate into an exact number is only a diversionary technique you have employed to evade an easily demonstrable fact. Namely that Acme is a minimal text editor claiming to be an IDE while Emacs is a behemoth with more features than you could count in a day, and the following night--not that I believe Emacs is any better than Acme. Vim leans more towards Emacs.

--On Wednesday, November 05, 2008 2:13 PM -0800 ron minnich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Eris Discordia
yes, I agree, I was being terribly unfair to plan 9. Acme on plan 9 is
about 1/2 M. Vim on DOS is 3x larger? impressive.

My intent was, of course, to show your comparison is baseless. It seems
you still haven't realized that. You think Plan 9 is great?

Actually, to keep it simple, I was trying to make a simple point, with
a bit of humor intended, and not actually even directed at you,: that
code built with shared libraries is not
necessarily, or always, smaller than code built otherwise, for
programs of similar capability. I don't have an emacs
linked statically, however, so I took the nearest materials at hand.
It depends on a lot of circumstances.

There is the example of xclock which is small with X11 .so, and quite
large otherwise. And there, for the case of a "clock", shared
libraries clearly reduce disk footprint:
xclock binary is about 1/10 the size of plan 9 clock (19K vs. 158K)..

Sadly, the picture changes at run time: clock on plan 9 is 128k in
memory, xclock is 4.2M RSS and 10M VSZ.
Sic transit gloria .so. Of course, then we hear that "well, all that
is shared". Hmm. Prove it.

FWIW, the whole issue of goodness/badness of shared libraries has
never been systematically measured as far as I know -- in terms of
performance cost, overhead, throughput, the usual suspects -- or at
I've never seen it done. It would be a lot of work to do it correctly.
Might be interesting.

The GUI version of Vim on Windows (gvim.exe) compresses to 734,713 bytes

So the compressed version is only 50% larger than acme. The point being?

because the bigger part of the uncompressed 1,585,152 bytes is redundant
filler required by the binary format specification.

Does the redundant litter cross the network when I have it mounted via
a share and execute the program or not? That was the original

The same happens for the
vim executable on FreeBSD (1,221,212 bzip2'ed to 616,236). The Windows PE
binary format and ELF both require the executable image to contain all
initialized but essentially redundant (i.e. zeroed) parts of the data
segement. Don't pretend you didn't know that.

Wrong for ELF.

Simple example from /bin/cat:
  Type           Offset   VirtAddr   PhysAddr   FileSiz MemSiz  Flg Align
  LOAD           0x0049e8 0x100149e8 0x100149e8 0x00284 0x003cc RW

note that filesize is < memory size. I'll let you figure out how it works.

This is the problem with your posts. You sound very authoritative, and
I'm sure you figure you know all these bits,
but you're wrong so often. It's confusing. It would be unfortunate
were people to believe you are as right as you think you are.

Also, Acme in p9p or on Plan 9 performs less than 1 in 5 of the functions
vi/vim does. That ratio is even smaller when comparing Acme to Emacs. So
you have been unfair. No kidding.

Ah! Now we're into feature comparisons! I'm game. How did you get to 1
in 5 and not 1 in 4.8, or 1 in 6?
Of course, you have to take into account that acme's extensions live
in /bin or your number is bogus.


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