On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Eris Discordia
>>  What makes /net tick depends on what you export on /net. The kernel
>> serves your basic /net, yes, but there's nothing to stop you having a
>> userspace file server on top of that to do whatever filtering you
>> like.
> That would break the protocol stack. 9P is an application layer protocol (or
> so I understand). It should _never_ see, or worse rewrite, network layer
> data units. If by "a fileserver on top of that" you actually mean a file
> server under that then you simply are re-inventing NAT.

Putting a file server over /net which selectively allows access to the
underlying /net. There it can monitor data at the application (not
transport) level.

Tom Lieber

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