> I surely hope the festive mood of the season will protect me from being
> ostracized for asking this, but is there any chance to map Plan9
> development practices to some of the established ways of source
> code management? I mostly long for things like being able to browse
> Plan9 history with a clear understanding of who did what and for
> what reason.

in the holiday spirit ☺, isn't this similar logic
1  scm packages are peace hope and light, everybody knows that.
2. if you don't use a scum package you are in the darkness
3. if you are in the darkness, you must be saved, or be cast into
the pit.

despite the season, and typical attitudes, i don't think that
development practices are a spiritual or moral decision.
they are a practical one.  and what they have done at the
labs appears to be working to me.  in my own experience,
i've found scum always to cost time.  but my big objection
is the automatic merge.  automatic merges make it way too
easy to merge bad code without reviewing the diffs.

while a descriptive history is good, it takes a lot of extra work
to generate.  just because it's part of the scum process doesn't
make it free.

- erik

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