On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 08:37:02PM -0500, ge...@plan9.bell-labs.com wrote:
> No, we don't publish venti scores; that would be very
> poor security practice.

In the general case, yes, absolutely.  In the case of the nightly scores for
sources/plan9, is it still?  AFAICT the entire directory tree there is world
readable by design... if this isn't the case, please say so and I'll just go
back to spidering.

Speaking of spidering, it looks like it's about 120MB/day worth of bandwidth
to just point vac at /n/sourcesdump/$YEAR/$DUMP and have it go.  For various
reasons, it looks like my connection is able to spider each day in about 45
minutes to an hour (this is going to take a while...).  I'm sure JHU won't
mind the traffic; will the Labs?
> We'll soon be announcing a way to mirror sources with replica,
> once we've shaken the procedure down.  We will then discourage
> the existing mirroring schemes.

Will this procedure include the history or just the current version?


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