> For what it's worth, bwk awk does not have this problem, so the error
> must be in code introduced later.
>> Note the 5946903e318 which AWK may mistakenly treat as a floating
>> point constant.  Now to figure how to prevent such errors...

not exactly.  i believe this is an ape problem.  i don't think that c89 or
c99 allow a strtod to result in an exception.

acid: cont()
        11260359 d05544897ff642ca36e58174bc753b0f3382b793   0
8192 Jan  9 18:09
              11258672 5946903e318d3596c21e35b42a13c1dea5fd32cc   0
7627: math coprocessor error    strtod+0x3b5    FMOVD   rv+0x44(SP),F0
Notes pending:
        sys: fp: numeric overflow fppc=0x16852 status=0xb8a8
acid: stk()
strtod(s00=0x4f0a4,se=0xdfffee24)+0x3b5 /sys/src/ape/lib/ap/stdio/strtod.c:473
is_number(s=0x4f09d)+0x55 /sys/src/cmd/awk/lib.c:703
fldbld()+0x16c /sys/src/cmd/awk/lib.c:333
getnf(a=0x5a90c)+0xe /sys/src/cmd/awk/run.c:439
execute(u=0x5a8fc)+0xbb /sys/src/cmd/awk/run.c:157

- erik

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